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Author Topic: A bit on champion husks  (Read 6853 times)


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A bit on champion husks
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:58:37 PM »
Champion Partially Digested Husks (fought by the condition team) are Unshakable mobs, which means that hard crowd control (cc) effects (the ones that interrupt you and disable your skill bar like fear, knockdown, knockback, daze, pull, launch or stun) grant them Defiance stacks. Hard cc will work the first time you hit the Husk with it, but after that the next one will fail and instead strip one stack of Defiance. The mob will be vulnerable to a hard cc again after all the defiance stacks are stripped. How many stacks a Husk gets, depends on the number of people around it (watch what happens to the one we kill during the escort events).

This has at least two consequences, which are important for Wurm fights. First, when you stack for dpsing, or holding kegs on Cobalt, or waiting to get swallowed on Amber, and you try to fear a Husks that comes near you – the fear might not work (you’ll be stripping defiance instead of shooing it away). This is exactly the reason why commanders (apart from asking you to fear the mob) suggest equipping and using stability. If you get hit by a champ, you lose a keg, attractant buff or phytotoxin colour and you’re not able to help with taking off the Wurm’s Slick Skin buff. I think it hurts the most on Amber. Stability is important.
Second, unless you’re a part of condi team or your commander is asking to fear husks, it’s vital that you do not attack husks at all. If you hit the mob with hard cc at the wrong moment, it can gain a ridiculous amount of defiance making it a lot harder to control for condis.

Fun fact – soft ccs: cripple, chill, immobilize – work fine on Unshakable mobs. So when on Amber you wait to get swallowed and see husk approaching, and you have some way to immobilize it from a distance, you can do it. Just be careful not to use soft ccs when champs are already on the stack :D
Apart from that, general rule for non-condis is: do not touch champion husks.

If I missed something feel free to add, especially condition people – if you have other experiences (I run mainly on Amber) chime in.


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Re: A bit on champion husks
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 11:30:09 PM »
There should be a no touch policy on the husks with exception for the condi team. This also takes the part away where we would have to fear the husks away because someone else has aggro on them.
Necro: Darkard | Warrior: Darkward | Ele: Darkauor | Thief: Darksantard | Guard: Darkguard


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Re: A bit on champion husks
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 12:32:47 PM »
No touching is an essential rule, but I do not think it solves the problem of husks on dps stack entirely. I’m not sure how the aggro works in their case, but they do not focus solely on those players who deal damage. I’ve seen many situations when they just ignore condis and try to get to the spot where most of the players are gathered, without being hit by anybody out of the condition team.
Maybe it’s because of the distance – we rarely fight them in meele range, maybe it’s because we’re usually medium and light classes, and even in our rabid armors a tough warrior running by is more attractive :). I would not be surprised if it was some special Anet mechanics going on “try and get where most players are and screw up what they’re doing”.


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Re: A bit on champion husks
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2014, 05:08:30 PM »
i'm pretty sure it does. TTS runs are husk free on burn phase so it must work somehow.

Akuma Emiko

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Re: A bit on champion husks
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2014, 02:14:39 PM »
The following is an extract from my full necro guide: (full guide can be found here:
Lets start with the objective of a condi.

•Cobalt --> to agro and kill the husk while keeping the husk away from keg runners and the burn spot (including egg blockers)
•Amber --> to agro and kill the husk keeping the distance from the wurm eating spot and burn spot as large as possible while doing so.
•Crimson --> to kill the husk in the fastest time possible - unless in the middle spot whereby agro is actually possible

Husks spawning


husks will spawn every 90 seconds unless interrupted by a burn phase in which they will be spat out after the wide spin that is performed after all burn phases of a wurm. This is true for all wurms bar amber whom will often perform its husk spit directly after a burn phase - due to its longer burn time (I think).


This means that we condies have a whole 90 seconds to kill husks ... if needed (I am not saying for a second that it should be taking the long but you grasp my point)


So how do we actually do that?

Husks as you may already know suffer from a lack of vitality, meaning that our conditions are highly effective against them - simply put, that's how we kill them.


How to agro


This is where things get slightly more interesting - basic rules of agro apply:

•Our toughness levels (this is the reason we stack toughness in our builds, the higher the toughness we have the chance we will gain agro)
•Distance from target (so we stand very close to the husk)
•Damage to the target (yep ... Husks get peaed off like the rest of us when someone is slapping us)

Specialised wurm agro:

•Amber --> Wurm Attractant buff will cause small amounts of agro
•Crimson --> Colour buffs will give agro 18px-Crimson_Phytotoxin.png all three colours will create huge amount of agro ... do not mistake this for a "good thing" wurms will also be attracted to you ... its not pretty (I generally don't care how good you think you are here ... do not do this)
This is also the reason you cannot gain agro on crimson and thus kill them as quickly as possible without trying to get agro.
•Cobalt --> Keg runners will gain small amounts of agro but again this is minimal.

All Wurm agro:
•Mushrooms will give nutrients Nutrient.png gains slight agro. up to 4 stacks .. agro is increased with each tick (2 or more will give parasites - so as condi's we will eat 1 ONLY)
1. It is also important to note that while inside the escort phase you can eat 4 stacks of nutrients with no side effects but as soon as the wurm phases start and more than 1 tick gives parasites

Also the standard Guard build will give them toughness in their spec and as u said the same goes for warriors ... but there is no way they should be having higher toughness then a necro or whatever running rabid gear (even with 6,6,0,0,2)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 02:31:38 PM by Akuma Emiko »


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Re: A bit on champion husks
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 06:58:20 PM »
Akuma, your guide is awesome! Thanks so much. Can we please post the link under Triple Trouble Wurm Guides too?
I would really like to know where should you pull husks on Cobalt, so I’m gonna wait for those promised images :D

Akuma Emiko

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Re: A bit on champion husks
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 11:57:42 PM »
Akuma, your guide is awesome! Thanks so much. Can we please post the link under Triple Trouble Wurm Guides too?
I would really like to know where should you pull husks on Cobalt, so I’m gonna wait for those promised image

Arrr, thanks so much ... and those pictures are being taken on my "second wurm of the day" runs ... (when i'm not commanding in otherwords) so they may be a little while ... but i'm getting there. Give me a week ^^

(Do also note that there is mistakes in that guide which i still need to get back on (duration over 100% and such))


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