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Messages - Rediarel

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Triple Trouble Wurm / Re: Re evaluating sub teams, tactics, foods etc
« on: July 07, 2015, 03:22:23 PM »
I mean that by default majority of psdh goes always to cobalt and amber this makes more dangerous what happens on crimson because it becomes more "random luck based on who joins". We have some usual but it's a way lower number.

I was at a full run on tts (karka+teq+wurm today) i'll share the video later. Their speed is similar to what we got yesterday, their strategy is even more basic than ours.
They don't do profession stacks anymore.
1min callers => reflectors join the callers
2min condi teams
5 min all go to 3 stack and rebalance.

159 in ts 130 on tag after jump
they detatched quite late btw. like 20s for first detatch.
for foods they still use the same and they dropped the use of second phase food.

Anyway today they are supposed to fix the crit spots we'll see after.

Triple Trouble Wurm / Re: Re evaluating sub teams, tactics, foods etc
« on: July 07, 2015, 07:42:14 AM »
- crit doesn't account for the increased hp and random people won't help it. that's why the full psdh stacking on amber and cobalt has to stop as i pointed out yesterday. on crimson it's *impossible* to melt anything be husk or wurm they'll always take a good 10s to 20s if not more with the zerg... of which a good amount doesn't follow commands as usual. You can see a quite widespread lack of discipline as well, already during the escort, with half of the zerg stacking on the landslide instead of killing the wurm.

- ts number usually are from 1/3 to 2/4 less on crimson which isn't a good thing.

-imho condi can add in during burn fine even more if they have no husk around to kill, or just use fields from away if they have them available. condi are really nice to add even more toward the end of the burn phase as they outlast the end of it, so i usually ask to put condi at that point.

-not sure ele is the only preferable. ranger have a really long easy blocking skill which lasts for several seconds.

- Well being able to dodge is not a question of bringing a proper meta build or not, just the fact full soldier will keep you alive while berseker's will kill you is not a proper excuse to not dodge. and the downed from spits which are called in ts by the reflect team is pretty embarassing.

-I don't like a slowed down wurm in second phase makes animations more difficult to handle and if stack is done correctly there isn't the problem of t he wurm running away, aside you've to chase it anyway even if slowed down. As also nova mentioned time warp has a limit of 5 people. Now if you've more than the mesmer to cap the zerg size it might make sense but i've never seen more mesmer and time warp to cap that so delaying it might not be a good idea. It's much better to throw all time warp on the time of max dps (so just after reaching max might/quickness/fury stacking, might also actually wait for the feel my wrath to be put at the same time of time warps). Another problem is that it adds more stuff to say during burn phase and i feel that i've already not enough time to even say everything i've to say before time warps go.

- I'm more for having a look at TTS, personally.

-zerg size maybe but not all psdh there or it's fail, also quite difficult to make it, people by default appear on crimson post org, and i cannot afford to send people in ts away at that point.

- classed groups needs discipline, that's missing  it should take 1minute to have stacks not 10 minutes and no one moves from wurms. I'd like to point out tts does a full wurm org in 5 minutes of which 4 are commanders counting people and not pledging them to listen. Usually if that happens they call it off. Shall we start to do it?

- Unfortunately no one took the time to get the info on caps yet.

Triple Trouble Wurm / Re: Re evaluating sub teams, tactics, foods etc
« on: July 05, 2015, 07:15:48 AM »
i'll regroup all comments in one go.
point 2: no i disagree, not because of husk getting in burn phase, but for crimson it's a bad idea. Cobalt has no real time gating, amber has time gating, but crimson has speed gating. I need zerg to run colors not stop cleaning husk, when color are already slow to charge.
reflect: read this it has a point over ground targeting issues - it's stitll viable.

-regarding the one stack i tried several times in the past but discipline from pugs is lacking and it's not EU way to do it (it's normal in NA and works perfectly you need better management from the zerg and a lot of reflects). but if you can get it done would be really better as you double hit there.

- well it's all things which supposedly are already in the explained strategy and commander instructions during events, at least on crimson. additionally i use battle standard during the first part, so battle standard for me are pretty important. Then i start using consumables after one or two burns. I also ask guardians to bring feel my wrath and people to generically stack quickness and fury as well as might.... Obviously that time warp placed when not asked always screws it for everyone...

one time warp at a time seems a bad idea from my wvw experience (ever heard commander saying step out of time warp while it's put on golem or rams...?). That skill has a cap of 5 ppl so spacing it out won't make it much useful.

Looks like someone has to be in the single zerg position :P (and anet devs only play in NA, maybe with TTS, confirmed:P)

crit food today?

full wurm:

full event from teq

(this last contains the other 2 :P)

Best wurm crimson!

I'm uploading also the version with dry runs and the full event including tequatl

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night Event
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:52:31 AM »
*removes all and puts wvw* :D

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night Event
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:10:15 PM »
You can create temporary channels. at least coordinators can.

Media Gallery / Re: The Baruch Bay hacker is no more?
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:16:19 AM »
doesn't mean much the hacker mostly did it for himself and only when scouts were lacking, and gandara is pretty much packed with players since the free transfers 2 season ago.

Tequatl / Re: New DD Spot
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:38:31 AM »
same barely got 2 hit spot and the skill 2 which does 3 spot on the other position got only 2 as well, according to akuma it gives additional damage not additional numbers on screen. I'm going to check this next time.

General Chat / Re: Patch Borked
« on: March 20, 2015, 07:27:53 AM »
While i'm starting to really hate anet for this crap pushing to pirateship, it's  a good thing for world bosses:

Updated condition damage. Previously, a condition that had a fractional remainder of time after it dealt damage would not inflict the rest of its damage. For example, a 1.5-second burn would deal 1 second of burning damage, then fail to inflict the remaining 0.5 seconds of burning. Conditions will now deal this fractional damage either at the beginning or end of their duration, depending on when the next damage pulse would occur and their remaining duration.

General Chat / Re: Patch Borked
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:27:58 AM »
yep was in the video kaelik :P
btw for your less damage gemgie is caused by the character scaling. which is probably fixed as of this morning, but you never know. (that's why i was stressing about it yesterday :P)

General Chat / Re: Patch Borked
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:57:46 AM »
Seems there was a scaling bug with power when being rescaled under your level so also the power thing might be fixed.
I guess we can try it again today but at least for crimson i'm introducing some strategy changes for this attempt, to be safe.

General Chat / Re: Patch Borked
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:50:24 AM »
Fixed an issue that caused the textures on the Great Jungle Wurm to display incorrectly.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Unfortunate Adventurer’s harpoon gun from damaging the Great Jungle Wurm’s pyloric valve in the Triple Trouble meta-event

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