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Triple Trouble Wurm / Re: Re evaluating sub teams, tactics, foods etc
« on: July 08, 2015, 09:48:40 AM »
I indeed was at Coblt during OC run last night and can confirm that the latest patch does make TT Wurm easier compared to the last week. BUT, it is still more tough then before the June 23 patch, so we have to remain focussed on doing the right stuff.

I wouldn't say Cobalt was at 50% after the second burn already, but it was nearly ready for decap with 5 min left on the timer, so the burn phase damage has definitely improved with the crit/hitbox patch, as we could see loads of criticals landing when at the DD spot.

Triple Trouble Wurm / Re: Re evaluating sub teams, tactics, foods etc
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:42:44 AM »
- crit doesn't account for the increased hp and random people won't help it. that's why the full psdh stacking on amber and cobalt has to stop as i pointed out yesterday.

- ts number usually are from 1/3 to 2/4 less on crimson which isn't a good thing.

That's what I also mean, that being able to crit will by far not make up for the increased HP of the Wurm.

However, not sure what you mean with the full PSDH stacking on Amber and Cobalt. Yesterday I had 40+ people on Amber with 28 on TS, so I also had my share of randoms running with Amber, or not being on TS, and I think Nova had similar numbers. I agree that we should try to balance a bit earlier, but what more can we do then politely ask people to move from Amber/Cobalt to Crimson? Do we want to threaten by canceling the run if Crimson has too low numbers?

- Well being able to dodge is not a question of bringing a proper meta build or not, just the fact full soldier will keep you alive while berseker's will kill you is not a proper excuse to not dodge. and the downed from spits which are called in ts by the reflect team is pretty embarassing.

Agreed, but I think people should not be forced to be on the meta, if the aren't able to deal with being more prone to getting downed. It's usually not the people on TS that get downed by the spit, but rather the ones not hearing the calls from both reflect team and commanders. And with the animation lag that we are having lately, calls sometimes tend to be on the late side as well.

I still think it's good to stimulate people in trying to put more/as much of the meta build in their build to increase the damage, but they should still feel comfortable in what the play/bring, and therefore I have also adapted it slightly for Teq and Wurm to be a little more though than when running dungeons/fractals.

-I don't like a slowed down wurm in second phase makes animations more difficult to handle and if stack is done correctly there isn't the problem of t he wurm running away, aside you've to chase it anyway even if slowed down. As also nova mentioned time warp has a limit of 5 people. Now if you've more than the mesmer to cap the zerg size it might make sense but i've never seen more mesmer and time warp to cap that so delaying it might not be a good idea. It's much better to throw all time warp on the time of max dps (so just after reaching max might/quickness/fury stacking, might also actually wait for the feel my wrath to be put at the same time of time warps). Another problem is that it adds more stuff to say during burn phase and i feel that i've already not enough time to even say everything i've to say before time warps go.

To be hounest, I don't think we need all the dps output anymore during phase 2, like before the patch, as the conditions do so much extra damage to the Wurm head. I experimented with the mesmer time warps on phase 2 yesterday and really like what I was seeing, although I (and Storm also, I recon) both had to get used to the slow attack animations of the wurm and how to react on it. But I think the overal effect of the slow wurm was really good, as we were able to start dps as soon as it came to the surface (time warp applied at that time) and before its first charge, we already had the wurm nearly dead. I had not even called for the consumables yet, so it was purely dps and condi damage on the head. For me it was probably the easiest kill I have seen, since commanding on Wurm. Also bare in mind that we are able to spot the animations of the wurm, but giving the fact that we still heavily need to rely on randoms as well, that for them a slow wurm may be much easier to deal with then for a trained/experienced group. I also didn't need any of the Battle Standards when the wurm charged, as people had plenty of time to get our of its way.

TO BE CLEAR, this does not apply to phase one, where you want as many of the Zerg to have the time warp effect, so I ask for everything to be thrown at the Wurm. Although, if I'm confident about decap on the last burn, I'll ask to hold back the time warps, making sure there off cooldown for phase 2.

- I'm more for having a look at TTS, personally.

-zerg size maybe but not all psdh there or it's fail, also quite difficult to make it, people by default appear on crimson post org, and i cannot afford to send people in ts away at that point.

- classed groups needs discipline, that's missing  it should take 1minute to have stacks not 10 minutes and no one moves from wurms. I'd like to point out tts does a full wurm org in 5 minutes of which 4 are commanders counting people and not pledging them to listen. Usually if that happens they call it off. Shall we start to do it?

- Unfortunately no one took the time to get the info on caps yet.

I would be nice to have TTS also participating in this discussion, with all their experience. But with their size/turn out and organisation, I think that our problems/issues will be something they will likely not have to deal with that much, whereas OC have exactly the same problems as we have. With the amount of randoms we still need, it will remain very difficult to get good/quick organisation like TTS and classed groups that are effective.

This is also why I think it may be worthwhile to see if double teamed Amber is actually feasible, and perhaps we can/should join forces with OC to do an experiment on that. Doing this with OC will more likely generate enough numbers on TS to pull this off, and if it doesn't work out, we can at least say we tried it and that it wasn't due to people not listening or being randoms.

Doing cap counts may prove difficult during the actual events, as traits/buffs have numbers flying up and down all over the place. We could go to the arena and try to max out our power/ condi, but I have tried this and not been able to reach the cap as of yet. However, also other communities haven't reported the new caps, so it seems it's difficult to get them, which is something I have also read on the TTS forums as well.

Triple Trouble Wurm / Re: Re evaluating sub teams, tactics, foods etc
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:24:39 PM »
Let me also shed some of my ideas on this subject, as well as comment on some of the things already posted here.

Looking back at the runs I have been involved in since the HP buff post-june 23 patch, it does seem that the biggest problem we have to deal with is the amount of damage we can put into the wurms during phase one. However, this is not something that is bothering our runs, but also the the runs of RNG/DV/OC that I have recently started joining. I have a feeling that despite the bosses are able to be "Critted", this extra damage does not live up to the doubling of the bosses HP. We had a discussion on the OC run last night and estimated that when everything is performed at max efficiency, you would end up with about a 40% damage increase from critting, HOWEVER this would be if everybody is maxxing out their critical damage, which is something we are most likely not achieving.

I also have a hunch that also the scaling of the event is messing things up, as it seems that the higher the numbers we have, the harder it is to do decent damage. I find confirmation for this in the last couple of OC runs, where we had fails on the regular spawns, with high numbers from LFGs and then killed it much more easily during the respawns with about 25-30 people for each of the heads. Not sure how big the random players effect this, although TS numbers were generally OK during the regular spawn, so don't know if it's just people on TS that still don't understand what to do.

So what to do to improve on our overall damage during phase 1 (phase 2 doesn't seem that big a problem anymore as the condi stacking seems to kill the heads BIG time)?

Might stacking is more important than ever, as this will bring big improvement in damage put into the wurms. Giving additional attention to might stacking during the dry runs should further improve that, but this means that also experience players that can show how to do this in the right way should come during the dry runs to show this. On the other hand, I have seen runs fail where might stacking was really good with full stacks of might on each burn, so this is not the only issue. We need to make sure that mesmers hold on to their signets of inspiration and time warps until called upon by the Commander.

Consumables, we usally want to hold on to these for phase 2, but giving the observations that in phase 2 the heads seem to die rather quickly compared to before the patch, we may want to start using them for phase 1 when we don't have enough damage after a burn or 2. OK commanders usually tell each other to use consumables when one of the wurms is lagging in dps, but it may be an interesting idea to use them anyhow on the 3 or 4 burn phase. Maybe not all at once, but start with fire ele powder and if still needed a dps boost on the next burn, use Ogre pets whisstle then. This strategy partly saved my Cobalt run on Sunday a week ago, and without consumable, we still melted the wurm head in Phase 2.

With regard to condi teams, I agree that they should remain with their dedicated task of dealing with the Champ Husks, but I think it is good to experiment with looking into condi-ing with lower numbers. We could start by having 1 or 2 of the condies running in the main Zerg and joining the condi team if the are having a hard time. This is also where I see the biggest role for the main Zerg in dealing with Husks, as in my opinion, they should only assist when the condi team is struggling (also from nearby veteran wurms), as most likely the main Zerg will then also be struggling due to the Husks getting into their way. (Don't know if this applies in the same strength to all 3 heads, but is does so on Amber.) This shouldn't take to much of time as the mobs seem to melt easily when the Zerg rushes in.

Egg blocking seems to have become more difficult by the skill/trait changes on guardians, so I would suggest that each Wurm has at least one ele on the egg blocking squad and that we don't run teams of guardians only. Moreover, as timing of the reflect skills is also hampered by the animation lag Kaelik has already mentioned before. For the time being, I think we should also advise player that want to learn Egg blocking to take an ele as the prefered character.

Bringing the Meta build is a nice starting point from a dps output point of view, but this will require that people also know how to play it, and stay alive. I have recently switched to Meta for my main warrior, but find that I like to run it a bit tempered when doing PvE stuff like Teq and Wurm compared to dungeons and fractals. So I think people should bring a build that they feel comfortable with, as participating players are more usefull then people that need to waypoint all the time because they can't stay on their feet. We can however stimulate people to try out meta builds, so they can take what the like to improve their damage.

With regard to the Mesmer time warps, I agree with Red, that for phase 1 you want as many time warps put down when to Commanders calls for them. However, and this is why OC is creating Mesmer rotations, time warps have another interesting feature for phase 2, and this is that they actually slow down the Wurm animations and movement. So the idea is to have one time warp on the wurm head when we start dps, and have the other mesmers wait to put their time warps down, so you can have a time warp active for as long as possilble. This should help people in seeing the charge more easier, but more importantly also make catching up easier when the wurm charges away, so we can keep up the damage. This does imply that we should at least have several mesmers on each of the stacks.

Giving the fact that Teq takes up more of our precious Wurm preparation time, I think we could start to prepare while we wait for Teq to spawn, although I realise that people tend to go AFK while waiting, or only show up after Teq (including myself  :-[). But we could start by counting the warriors/mesmer that will come to TT Wurm, so we can devide them before hand to the different heads.

With regard to the scaling of the events, I like Gems idea to try and have 2 heads with between 25-30 players on the stack and then having the final wurm go max difficulty. Maybe Amber is the prefered head for this, and giving the time gating for Amber I came up with the following idea; Why not have 2 Commanders running 2 seperate groups to max out the number of potentional burn phases. Why would I go through all this difficulty, well as the Amber burn cycle is the longest on of all 3 heads, you easily run into problems when dps is lacking during the burn phase. However, it is difficult to resolve this issue, due to the fact that you only can get so many burns on Amber, so when you want to go for the next ABOM, you loose 30-35 seconds because of the upset stomach debuff. At that time (or maybe even a little bit sooner), the second group could kill the ABOM and start their burn cycle while the first group goes about killing veteran wurms (and maybe husks?). This way, both groups would cycle making the wurm vunerable in turn, while both participating during the actual burn phase. OK, the main issues with this are off course the increased organising this takes, and also the increased need for people to be on TS and also to hold on to their harpoon until needed because of the lower number of available harpoons. I would be tempted to give a try, maybe not immediately on a regular run, but maybe on a seperate test like we did on the condi only Cobalt head the other week, as this would require less people, and we only need to test it for phase 1.

Another thing in general would be to also discuss our findings with for instance the commanders from OC/RNG/DV and see how they are dealing with these issues. We could also team up together to test some ideas, like the double team-ed Amber wurm to get the needed numbers and TS participation to be able to coordinate these kind of things, although I do like to state that this is just a thought of mine.

I think it may be difficult to do these very nice ideas during the naked events, as between teq and wurm we need all the available time to get things organised, whereas afterwards it will allready be quite late because of the daylight savings time for most of us. But having said that i really like the ideas, wouldn't this be something we can slot in with the thursday night events rotation?

New Naked run scheduled for Wednesday June 24:

And let's do the Naked World Boss Train tonight to do some advertisement for this event, and get as many people on teamspeak to tag along in the fun. Something like a sneak preview on all the fun we will have at June 24.

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night Event
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:25:31 PM »
I have added the possibility of doing the World Boss train with a Naked PSDH Zerg in order to advertise our Naked runs for Teq and TT wurm. We could try and get as many people to join us in the fun on TS during this Naked World Boss train with the goal of getting increased numbers on the actual Naked TT wurm attempts.

Giving the fact that Teq is gonna spawn at 21:00 CEST would could actually include that in the Naked World Boss train for that night, however without the usual preparation, just jump into the map and quickly get things set up.

I think this would add to the fun of just doing a regular World Boss train.

Events / Re: Need a party for the Aetherpath
« on: May 08, 2015, 08:31:33 PM »
If we can manage a suitable time, count me in as well.

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night Event
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:13:09 PM »
OK, thanks Red.

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night Event
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:14:16 PM »
Perhaps another interesting idea to put forth on the Thursday rotation; Fractal night. I mentioned this after the Sunday TT Wurm kill and people sounded interested, and giving the responce in the fractal topic, I think this is worth a go. We would need some extra chanels on TS to accomadate the different teams, but that shouldn't be a problem I recon, Dark?

General Chat / Re: Fractals
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:23:16 AM »
Sounds like a plan!

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello, I'm Sejuna
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:22:44 AM »
Happy to have you on board.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Reintrocution
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:22:07 AM »
Also from me, welcome back.

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night: April 23rd
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:24:51 PM »
Somehow (I think Dark may have done so) the poll for next week has been reset and the votes that were already in have been cancelled. Everybody who already voted please do so again.

Events / Re: [POLL] Thursday Night: April 16th
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:53:46 PM »
Usually we start around 19:00-20:00 UK time, so add up 1 hour for CEST, just hop on TS around that time to hear when we head into SW.

Events / Re: Mentoring Program
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:19:32 PM »
I would also like to make myself available for mentoring Trainee Commanders at Amber Wurm and Tequatl (all spots, although I know Ranged DPS and Turrets best)

In addition, i would also like to increase my own experience by commanding on other wurm as well, so i can help out when needed (already did Cobalt twice, and think I will be able to do Crimson as well).

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