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Author Topic: Halloween Madness Event 27th October  (Read 10104 times)


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Re: Halloween Madness Event 27th October
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2016, 10:13:26 AM »
Anya, check my previous post :)
Necro: Darkard | Warrior: Darkward | Ele: Darkauor | Thief: Darksantard | Guard: Darkguard

Astrovirus/Jari The Great

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Re: Halloween Madness Event 27th October
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2016, 06:52:34 PM »
Think she means the scary story contest ones Dark
Warrior(s): Sirrah Andromedae (Jari The Great, RETIRED)│Thief: Gienah Ghurab Corvi│Revenant: Lady Cassiopeia Cih│Necro: Miss Ophiuchus│Ranger: Meissa Heka Orionis│Guards: Gallina Deneb Cygni; Antares Flame│Engi: Theta Iota Antliae│Mesmers: Sheliak Vega Lyrae; Almeisan Geminorum│Ele: Ankaa Phoenicis


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Re: Halloween Madness Event 27th October
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2016, 07:28:24 PM »
Ah right, I'll post those when I get home!
Necro: Darkard | Warrior: Darkward | Ele: Darkauor | Thief: Darksantard | Guard: Darkguard


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Re: Halloween Madness Event 27th October
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2016, 08:52:55 PM »
Here we go, the scary story entries.

Merula's Story
She had no idea how much time had passed since the lights-out. Felt like hours. She listened to the even, slow breathing of sleeping roommates, hoping the calm rhythm would lessen her anxiety. The old barn, which had been converted to a simple but comfortable guesthouse, was making noises as old houses do. There was the creaking of wood, the brushing and soft tapping of tree branches against the rooftop, the whistling of air pushing through invisible cracks. It was all unfamiliar and unsettling. The sleeping bag she was zipped in enclosed her tightly, disallowing comfortable movement. The bed, slightly too hard, forced her to lie flat on her back. She was staring straight at the ceiling, at the barely visible shapes of water stains. Her tired eyes played tricks, making the shapes move, morph, vanish and appear again. So focused on what she saw, she didn’t notice when all the sounds of an old house died off, leaving only the rhythmic breathing of five people around her. As she suddenly became aware of the new silence, her fright grew. The panic, the pounding heart prompted her to shout out, but the embarrassment at the thought of doing so stopped her. She didn’t move. She listened. She thought she was able to tell the individual breaths apart. They formed a singular choir – Dark’s and Corine’s to the left, Nova’s and Rick’s on the opposite side of the room and, to her right, Matt’s. This was the strangest, softest, whispering music – pulsing life pushing away and against the surrounding stillness. Dark’s quiet snoring rose and fell, leading the others. And then it stopped. She listened for it, waited, wished it to come back. Instead, a few desperate heartbeats later, she could no longer hear anything to her left at all – Corine’s gentle breath was no longer audible. A short sigh came from Nova’s bed, and then she too fell silent. Like gas lamps at dawn, they were gone one by one. Rick followed, and in horror she turned to Matt. He was motionless and soundless, trapped in a suffocating freeze-frame. She screamed. Too late.

Tweetiti's Story
It’s October the 31st and Mr Dark decided to invite some of the PSDH commanders to check out the place for the next meet in 2017 and suggests they sleep over that weekend.

Once everyone has settled down Mr Dark says that tonight they will have a fireplace to eat marshmallows and hot chocolate since it’s cold.
-   In order to do this we need to gather woods in the forest. I’ll stay here and prepare everything you guys go get the wood.

It’s cold and dark outside so gathers their mobile phone to be able to see ahead.

Ardi, and Nova team up and advance into the wood and start collecting dead pieces of wood on the floor.
But soon they get lost and start panicking.

SUDDENLY a monster appear in front of them.

He is tall, muscly and has dark hair all over his body.
-   Ah here you are, welcome to the Halloween game
-   The Halloween game?” asks Ardi?

The monster voice is scary but somewhat familiar.
-   Yes, you see I am starving so I’ll count to ten and if I find you I eat you.
-   ONE

Ardi and Nova start running for their life.
Unfortunately Ardi trips and falls
-   TEN! Ah I found you, says the monster.

The monster mouth starts widening, widening and widening until he gobbles Ardi in one go! It was horrible.
Nova sees this and screams. She runs even faster but the monster is very fit and gets closer and closer.

Suddenly Nova feels a claw on her shoulder and falls in terror on the floor. She felt her shoulder being shaken by a hand
-   Wake up! It was Nova’s husband trying to wake Nova up
-   Honey I have Mr Dark on the phone for you
-   Hi Dark, sorry I was still sleeping
-   Hi this weekend I have booked the place for the PSDH meet so we can check it out, plus it’s the Halloween weekend, Ardi is up for it are you free?

Suddenly Nova realised why that monster voice was so familiar…

Anya Riku's story
Anya Rikku's story of Halloween and not based on any poem to do with Christmas

Twas the night before    Halloween,
when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a Skritt.
The pumpkin were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that the mad king soon would be there.
The Guild were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of precursors danced in their heads.
And Dark in only a ‘kerchief, and Nova in a cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long Autumns nap.   
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a man pulled sleigh, and eight dead guildies with a look of fear,
With a pumpkin head driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be Mad King. “ick!”

More rapid than dragons his corpses they came,
And he whistled, and     shouted, and called them by name!
"Now Gem! Now, Ardi! now, Tweetie and Red
On, shiroiki! On, Kaelik! on, on Zorkesh and Jari!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the Sky.
So up to the house-top the corpse they flew,
With the sleigh full of bags, and greens and blues.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The stomping and stamping of each little foot.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney Mad King came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fire, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with blood and soot.
His eyes-how they flamed! his laugh how merry!
His sword unsheathed, i gasp “HAIL MARY”!

His mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the look on my face was white as snow.
He slashed Novas right up to her teeth,
And cut her head to look like a wreath.

He hacked a broad face on Darks round belly,
That he shoked about like a bowlful of jelly!
A wink of his eye and a twist of my head,
Soon gave me to know I was already dead.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And killed the rest of the guildies, then had a quick jerk.

He sprang to his sleigh, and his team gave a groan,   
And away they all glide as they twitched and moan.

‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Halloween to all,
and to all a good-night!"

Logarithmics story
Hooray for Saturday! No work and plenty of loot! Nova found herself commanding a crack team of dragon hunters and already fell the mighty Tequatl and the nearly indestructible  Taidha. Now it was time to give the wurms a good spanking . She took on Cobalt as she felt confident about her team and on the way to Jelako’s beach Shiroki whispered: “Wouldn’t it be fun if we all drank lots of rum before the event?”
The soft baritone voice of Shiroiki immediately swayed Nova and all drunk the endless rum and all became drunk on it. This time the rum stayed in the inventory.  “Must be the patch,” Nova thought. Unfortunately when the event started, and barrels were run, her team could not walk the plank nor complete the jumping puzzle, for they were all drunk. They failed and she took the blame since she was the commander, she should have known better. To compensate for loot lost the guild organised an extended chest farm. Ardi hunted chests, Shiroiki spun his tale and the rest drunk their endless rum, except for Nova who was still cross at it. She simply relaxed to the monotonous task and the soft baritone voice of Shiroki. She snapped out of it when she saw that Ardi wasn’t opening any chests, instead immediately running to the next spot when the group arrived. She whispered him a question about this, to which Ardi simply replied: “This is more efficient for Shiroiki”. Then Nova stopped listening to Shiroiki’s voice and started to listen to his words: ”You will give me all of your precursors and all of your bags even all the piles of silky sand for I want it all!”
Nova screamed: “No stop! Don’t do that!” But no-one listened for she was the one that took the blame for the rum incident. Slowly all others transformed into loot carrying skritt, save for the mighty Norn. They were forced to strip down and wear bunny ears and butterfly wings. The guild name changed from PSDH to SM, Shiroiki’s Minions. Nova left the guild not wanting to be in bondage in SM. She was now being hunted by bunny butterflies lead by Shiroiki’s dark commander.
Soon the entire server were skritt and bunny butterflies. All players lured to the promise of endless rum and loot. Not knowing that only the rum was theirs to keep.
Necro: Darkard | Warrior: Darkward | Ele: Darkauor | Thief: Darksantard | Guard: Darkguard


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