
* PSDH Teamspeak



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* Recent Posts

Wintersday Extravaganza 2023 by Nova Lelie
[December 12, 2023, 09:52:49 PM]

IRL Meeting interest check by Mr_Dark
[February 10, 2023, 07:33:19 PM]

PSDH Seasonal Scary Spooky Strange Sacrificial (just kidding, or are we?) Sit-in by Mr_Dark
[October 18, 2022, 01:52:50 PM]

* Calendar

* Upcoming Events

Stay Connected
Ever wanted a way to stay connected to your guildies outside of event times, or want to get notified 30 minutes before one of our events start?
Why not join the [PSDH] Discord? To join our Discord server, click on the link in this message or press the Discord logo on our banner at the top.

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Topics - Mr_Dark

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Chat / IRL Meeting interest check
« on: February 10, 2023, 07:33:19 PM »
Hi everyone,

It's been a while since we've let something hear about our IRL guild meetups, and we now quite often get a DM from someone asking if there's anything planned.

This thread is to gauge interest in a potential IRL guild meetup. We understand that since the whole pandemic, people might be less inclined to travel and meet a bunch of randos :o

Let us know how you think about it by participating in the following poll:

General Chat / [RL] Meeting 2020 - Postponed
« on: January 25, 2020, 01:21:20 PM »
Meetup Postponed
Hello everyone. I don't believe this comes as a shock to anyone, but we have decided to postpone this year's meetup due to the uncertainties COVID-19 brings. When organizing these meetups we want to give everyone a chance to join and have a fun and fulfilling experience, but with all the lockdowns, uncertainties and rules each country has in effect, we can not guarantee this.

We hope you understand our decision. Stay safe and follow any instructions your government has. Only that way we will be able to kick back into gear next year and allows us to plan an awesome meetup for 2021.

Thank you,

Your PSDH party planners

Update March 1: Added hotel information

Hello PSDH,

Today I bring you fantastic news. We have come up with a date and location for the 2020 PSDH meetup! Those of you who follow everything about these meetups know that this year we're going back into the city. This years' choice has become - cue drumroll - ....... Antwerp, Belgium.

We are already brainstorming for some cool activities and we are also looking into good and cheap hotels which we might be able to call our guild hall for the weekend. Belgium is known for its beer and chocolate, so activities will most likely include that ;). Once we have more information to give you this topic will be updated.

Date: August 21, 22, 23
Location: Antwerp, Belgium

Our main hotel will be the Ibis Budget Central Station which is located almost next to the Central Station. We suggest you book this hotel via TripAdvisor to get the lowest price.

In case you are unable to book this hotel or just want to stay somewhere else, that is of course possible. We've also found the following (cheap) hotels
Century Hotel -
Ibis Budget Antwerp Port -

Most of these hotels do not have parking space and I wouldn't recommend parking your car in a garage in the city centre unless you do want to pay a lot of money. Luckily, around Antwerp, there are multiple P+R locations where you can park your car and take public transport into the city.

The easiest one would probaly be Park&Ride Blancefloer, from here you can take tram line for a 15 minute ride into the center.
PR Blancefloer location: Blancefloerlaan 7250, 2050 Antwerpen, Belgium

For more information about P+R and other locations visit

General Chat / Open job positions
« on: November 18, 2019, 02:44:18 PM »
Here at PSDH Industries, we're always looking for new talent to strengthen our team. Below you will find a list of "job" positions for which we are looking people to fill them.

If you are interested in one of our listings below, or you want to get some more information, or perhaps there is something else you would like to do, please contact Mr_Dark on Discord or TeamSpeak to discuss.

Have you ever been alone at an in-game event which you wanted to complete and did not have enough people around you, so you tagged up and communicated this in map chat? Or joined another commander for a certain event and thought, "This dude doesn't know what he's doing, I can do this better"? Then becoming a PSDH commander might be for you!

PSDH runs a wide variety of events and we're always looking for more people to help us organize them. You'll be joining our commander ranks and help organize events which include;
* posting advertisement messages in guild and map chat
* tagging up so people can join your squad
* helping people understand the event and what needs to be done
* if the event requires it doing a (vocal) walkthrough

PSDH can offer you:
* a stable guild which has been around for 6+ years
* gateway to a lot of new friends (we have a real-life meetup every year)
* training for events you're not familiar with by one of our veteran commanders

We also offer trainee commander positions for those of you who want to command but have zero-experience. During your trainee time, our veteran commanders will teach you the ropes and make sure you feel comfortable commanding events.

Programmer and/or Designer (Website)
As you can see the PSDH website is not up to par with the latest 2019/2020 trends. Therefore PSDH is looking for one or multiple people who can re-vamp or re-build the PSDH website so it - once again - looks nice and shiny.

We have no preferred programming language in which the site should be built, but no Wordpress. I mean, c'mon. Hosting is done on our own server so there's no limit on what you can use. Once the new site is done we hope you stick around and maintain it ;)

Programmer (Discord bot)
Besides our website Discord is being used more and more. In order to enhance our Discord server, we're looking for someone who wants to build a custom PSDH bot. Our current bot is very limited as it only posts today's event 30 minutes before the event start and supplies a countdown for when a new real-life meeting is coming up.

For the new bot we would like it to have some of the following features:
* At the beginning the week, post a list of all events for that week
* 30 Minutes before an event starts, post a reminder
* LFG system which can be used for events, dungeons, fractals, raids
* We'll probably think of some more additions later on ;)

News & Announcements / [ANN] Winter Schedule Available
« on: October 10, 2019, 09:03:07 PM »
Hi everyone!

It's that time of the year again, days are getting shorter so you spent more time behind the computer in the dark. We've taken this opportunity to revamp our schedule and try something new.

Instead of dictating exactly what events we're doing each and every day, we've split up the days in the Tyria regions. The reasoning behind this is that:
1) You don't have to be online exactly at a specific time, but can just join in half-way or leave early without feeling bad
2) Gives us more opportunity to do different events and gives you a say in what events you would like to do
3) Innovation?

The new schedule is a follow:

Monday: Latest Living Story Meta
We'll do events on and around the maps related to the latest living story achievements. Hopefully, this will get you all your achievements or anything you need.
Start time: 19:30UK/20:30EU

Wednesday: Heart of Thorns Night
Any of the events in the HoT maps; Silverwastes, Dry Top, Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragons' Stand or Living Story 3 maps. Those who join us on Teamspeak will have a say in what events they would like to do.
Start time: 19:30UK/20:30EU

Thursday: Core Tyria Night
Any of the events on the core Tyria maps, but also dungeons and fractals. Those who join us on Teamspeak will have a say in what events they would like to do. Do I hear an old-school boss run coming up?
Start time: 19:30UK/20:30EU

Saturday: Path of Fire Lunch
Any of the maps added in the latest expansion and any of the Living Story 4 maps, eg; Desert Highlands, Crystal Oasis, Domain of Vabbi, Elon Riverlands, The Desolation
Start time: 11:30UK/12:30EU

Sunday: This is the only day we have a planned schedule - you will want to be on time in order to get into the map for TT
11:15UK/12:15EU - Tequatl
12:00UK/13:00EU - Taidha
12:15UK/13:15EU - Triple Trouble
13:15UK/14:15EU - Guild Missions

The new schedule will be effective Sunday, October 27

I can imagine this is a lot to take in and if you have any questions we've planned a "Guild Meeting" (on Teamspeak) where you will be able to ask us (almost) any questions regarding the schedule or guild. This meeting will be held Thursday, October the 24th. We will be available from 19:00UK/20:00EU till 21:00UK/22:00EU. Of course, you're also free to post anything below in the comments.

In order to run all these different events, we're looking for new commanders! If you're interested in running some events, send us a message and we'll set you up :)

Hopefully, y'all like what we've come up with.

- Your overlords
Dark, Nova, Storm, Red

News & Announcements / [ANN] Sad news
« on: June 17, 2019, 10:45:38 PM »
Hello PSDH. Today, I'm the bearer of sad news  :'(

After being with PSDH for more than 4 years our beloved coordinator/leader Gemgenie has decided to leave PSDH. Reasons being personal (nothing critical) and unresolvable argument between us leaders.

We are sad to see Gem leave us as she always brought joy and fun whenever she was with us on Teamspeak. If it wasn't for her and Nova to decide to meet up in the UK (and a few others basically inviting themselves for the ride), we wouldn't have the real-life meetups we organize each year. For me personally, it'll be like missing a hand as she was always there whenever I wanted to talk or needed to have a different look on something.

I think I'll speak for everyone who has ever spoken to Gem or followed her around when she was commanding, that we wish her the best of luck to whatever adventure she chooses next and she'll always have a piece of the PSDH heart.

Wupwup out.

General Chat / [VOTE] Discord changes
« on: June 16, 2019, 03:30:43 PM »
Update: Closed because not necesary anymore.

PSDH Discord… basically, guild chat, but you can also use it while not in-game.

In the beginning, our Discord was mainly used to facilitate the organization of our real-life meetup. Over the years it has grown to be an extension of the guild to socialize with members even when you’re at school/work or while visiting your grandparents.

Conversations ranging from PSDH/GW2 related to well... anything else. To facilitate this, we slowly expanded Discord with separate channels when we noticed certain topics would take over the main channel a lot of the time and basically block other conversations.

For a while, the PSDH member list does not contain only EU players, but we also have players from the US, Canada and the Middle East. That’s a lot of different time zones and different wake/sleep times and the reason for this topic.

This all links into why I’m writing this today. We’ve had multiple comments/suggestions from people whose phone kept sounding notifications due to new Discord messages, while they were still sleeping. Now you might say, “But Dark, Discord allows/recommends you to set channel notification settings so you don’t get spammed” or “But Dark, your phone as a Do Not Disturb option you can (automatically) turn on at night”, and I know, but their argument was that then they won’t be notified at all and might miss a conversation. PSDH is a social guild, so there should be a “social” solution for this.

The proposed solution is to create 2 “main” channels. One will be used during EU day/evening (say between 07:00UK/08:00EU - 11:00UK/12:00EU) and the other channel after/before those times. This way EU people can mute the “night” channel and anyone outside the EU timezone can mute the “day” channel. The switching between these two channels will not be policed by PSDH “management” but would have to be self-regulated by the Discord users.

Of course, the down-side of this solution is that conversations will be split into multiple channels, where the first part of the conversation can be in 1 channel and the rest in the other which can make it harder to follow. Or when you’re having a conversation and the times comes you’ll have to move to a different channel.

Because this is not a small change (as to just adding a new specific channel), I am reaching out to you today. I want to hear your opinion on this idea since most of you use Discord a lot more than me and I don’t want to implement something which may more people to stop using our Discord.

Voting can be done here - [removed] - Yey if you want the day/night split. Nay if you want to stay with 1 main channel.

Please also leave us a comment below if you have a strong opinion on why this should or should not be implemented.

Fine print: At least 20 votes will be required before I will use the results to make a decision. Voting closes June 30.

General Chat / [RL] Meeting 2019
« on: February 27, 2019, 01:29:49 PM »
Hello PSDH!

Good news everyone, we have finally decided on where and when the 2019 PSDH meeting is going to be and opened up the registration! This year we’ll be going back to the lovely United Kingdom and will be staying Forrest Green, Surrey, which is located south-west of London.

Date: August 23, 24, 25 (bank holiday weekend for the UK people)
Where: Forest Green, Dorking, Surrey, UK

We have found a lovely accommodation which is called “The Mill”. It’s a large bunkhouse property which sleeps about 40 people spread over 7 bedrooms. The Mill is situated on the Surrey/West Sussex border. Originally a corn mill, the Mill has been converted over the years to accommodate 40 guests within the main building. The site has 10 acres of ground which comprises of meadow, wood, pond and stream, practically a nature reserve. The village pub, the Parrot, is 5 mins walk away, so for those of you who want to go out for a pint, this is possible, although it’s a small pub meaning they won’t be able to accommodate a large group.

This year we’ll be offering “weekend-packages” which - we think - are reasonably priced. The reason we have chosen for this is so we can split the costs and keep the overall price low.
  • Full weekend package - 70 euro - Including a place to sleep, food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and drinks (soda, juice, beer wine) for the whole weekend
  • Half package - 30 euro - You won’t be sleeping at the accommodation, but are joining us for food and drinks
  • Day package - free - You’ll just join us for the day and take care of everything yourself

The accommodation has space for max 40 people, once these spots are taken we’re full and can’t take any more who want to stay over (unless you want to pitch up a tent). Spots are given on first come first serve base.

We will take care of the grocery shopping and make sure there are enough food and drinks for everyone. If you have any special requests please make them known and we can figure out if it fits our budget or if it’s something you’ll have to bring yourself.

Besides food and drinks, we will also organize some activities in which you can participate and perhaps win a prize ;) If you have ideas for activities or maybe have a cool board game which you can bring, please do so!

Things you have to bring yourself
  • Your happy face!
  • Sleeping bag or bed linen. The accommodation offers to rent bed linen for 10 pounds per person.
  • Hard liquor. We will only provide beer and wine, any other alcoholic drink you will have to bring yourself (for yourself or to share).

If you would like to bring a snack or food to share we would highly appreciate this. If we all bring something small it will add up really quick and we’ll probably have a bunch of different things to snack on during the weekend.

To be announced. We are still turning gears on what kind of activities we’d like to offer. Once we have more information we’ll let you know!
Signing up for the meetup
Done reading this wall of text, you’re still enthusiastic for the meetup and want to register? Click on the link below and fill up the form. Once you’ve submitted your registration we will review it and send you a confirmation email.

Because this year we will be pre-booking the accommodation we will require everyone who signs up to pay in advance. We know transferring money to someone unknown while the meetup is still months away can be a little daunting, but hopefully, we’ve built up some credibility over the years organizing these events. Still not a Nigerian prince who needs some cash to unlock their fortune ;)

Registration has been closed

Confirmed Registrations (updated: July 2)
Major Helios
Bezglutek & Piotr
Boss Spartan
Chris McSwag
Simon & Hannelore

News & Announcements / [ANN] Merry Xmas & Happy 2019
« on: December 24, 2018, 02:56:16 PM »
Hello fellow adventurers,

With roughly 1 week left another year has passed. Looking back at this past year I'd say
it was a successful one for [PSDH]. Our success rate on successfully completing events is
about 99%, we managed to kill the Triple Wurm in the nudes for the nth time, had a very
fun guild meetup in Warsaw, Poland and a lot of new players have joined the guild.

We thank you all, we couldn't have done this without you!
We'd be talking to ourselves on Teamspeak.

I hope everyone will have a happy Xmas and safe New Years - you need your fingers
to play Guild Wars ;)

Let's see what 2019 will bring us!


PSDH Managment

News & Announcements / [ANN] Winter is coming
« on: October 24, 2018, 09:17:09 AM »

Saturday night we will leave summertime behind us and revert back to standard time. This means that from this Sunday [PSDH] will switch over to its winter schedule.

While we're at it we looked at the schedule and made some improvements (hopefully) to make events start are more reasonable times. A summary of the changes:

Instead of doing regular Shatterer first, we now do the new Death-Branded Shatterer as last

Amalgamated gemstone run, by quickly doing Verdant Brind, Tangled Depths and optionally Auric Basin

Silverwastes or MoT/Bounties before regular Shatterer

Nothing changes; TT and Guild Missions

For those of you who subscribe to our calendar, we have updated it with the new times, so you are automatically up-to-date.

Side note:
November 4th - after TT - we will head into Vabbi for the Serpents' Ire event. For information about this event and why you should join it, check out the event topic:

Events / [EVENT] Serpents' Ire - Nov 4
« on: October 16, 2018, 10:51:24 AM »
When: Sunday, November 4, 13:00 & 14:30 (server time GMT), 14:00 & 15:30 (EU, GMT+1)
What: Serpents' Ire (Domain of Vabbi)

Teamspeak: (there will be a special Serpents' Ire channel)

We are organizing to run the meta event in the Domain of Vabbi, Serpents' Ire. This meta event is linked to two achievements and since most Serpents' Ire events fail - due to a lack of organization - it might be hard to complete these achievements.

On Sunday PSDH also runs Triple Trouble and this event will continue as usual. Right after we finished TT, we'll jump straight to Vabbi and start the meta. Make sure you are on Teamspeak before we jump, otherwise you might have a difficult time finding us or getting into the map.

The achievements linked to this event are:
Redeeming IG-6417 is part of an achievement chain and has to be unlocked. In case you haven't unlocked this achievement, you might want to do so before the 4th.

Event Pointers
First of all.. BRING CC SKILLS!. If we do not have enough crowd control, we'll be unable to break the defiance bars and the event will fail for sure. Check the wiki ( for more info about what skills you can use.

Secondly, since this is an event which is not done as much as other big meta events we'll require everyone to be on Teamspeak (even if it's only to listen!). Commanders will not have time to type everything in squad chat.

The meta event can be split into three phases.

1) Slay veteran or higher-ranked Branded monsters to raise the ire of Branded Forgotten zealots and lure them out of hiding
This is pretty straightforward, just search in the branded area (right side of the map) for veteran, elite or champion  Branded and kill them. Make sure to split up to cover more ground.

Once enough Branded have been slain, Branded Forgotten zealots (5 of them) will appear somewhere in the Brand. These zealots don't have a static spawn spot, so if you have found one give us the location on Teamspeak or squad chat.

2) The Branded Forgotten zealots have regrouped at the Grand Court of Sebelkeh. Defeat them!
This is where most of the Serpents' Ire meta events will fail.. Due to lack of Crowd Control..
The main objective here is to kill the 5 zealots before they can detonate the crystal. The only way to damage these zealots is to BREAK THEIR DEFIANCE BAR. Since there will be 5 of them, we have to split up the squad into 5 groups and make sure each group has enough CC.

Can't stress this enough... BRING CC!

3) Defeating the zealots has incited the wrath of Ysshi Hessani and Pek Rakt Grag. Stop them!
After we have defeated the zealots the two final bosses will spawn. This should be pretty straightforward and shouldn't be an issue. We'll be killing Ysshi first because he can resurrect Pek Rakt Grag. Ysshi will alternate between melee and ranged combat, so attack accordingly. At times Ysshi Hessani turns invulnerable and the veteran spark and branded sparks that appear must be destroyed in order for it to take damage.

We kill the bosses, get loot and check of some achievements.

Hope to see you there!

News & Announcements / PSDH Summer Time Schedule
« on: March 21, 2018, 10:58:04 AM »
Upcoming Sunday it's that time of the year again. One hour less sleep, because the clock will be set forward one hour.

To accommodate this extra one hour time difference we have come up with a new event schedule. The new schedule starts Monday, March 26th.
Our calendar has been updated, so if you are subscribed to it the new events will automatically show up.

Bounties with possible Maw of Torment in between

Palawadan (Domain of Istan)
Dragon's Stand

Events, Fractals, Dungeons, Achievements, etc.. You need something done and you want some help from the guild? Drop it into guild chat and perhaps you'll find some people who want to join.

Tangled Depths
Auric Basin

Triple Trouble*
Guild Missions

* Triple Trouble Changes
For Triple Trouble we are going to introduce something new. Over time we have noticed fewer people joining Teamspeak and we have a hard time filling spots for husk killing (condi) and egg blocking (diboof). This has caused us to either fail the event due to people not correctly following the commander or we have to cancel because we just don't have the players to fill certain spots.

I do not want to remove Triple Trouble from our schedule because I believe it's one of the hardest and in my opinion, the most rewarding (not looking at loot) open world events. We have lots of people who joined PSDH because of TT and I want new players to also be able to experience it in a casual way.

1) Do not be afraid to step up for the condi or diboof role. They are easy to learn and we have some fabulous members who can help you.
2) BE ON TEAMSPEAK. Whether you have done this event once or a thousand time, join Teamspeak so you are able to listen to the commander (does not matter if you do not have a mic or do not want to talk... just listen)
3) We do not want to cancel TT right before it starts due to lack of condi or diboof. This is why we came up with sort of a pre-signup sheet in which you can put your name if you can condi or diboof on a certain date. The sheet is open for everyone, so please use with care.

That's it for now. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below. Don't forget that next week we also have an Eastern event coming up.

- Dark

General Chat / [RL] Meeting 2018 - Registration
« on: February 02, 2018, 04:12:27 PM »
Hello PSDH!

Today we bring you the official announcement for the PSDH meetup 2018 and the registration is open! Just like the first meetup, this year we will also be staying in the city. The beautiful city of Warsaw, Poland.

Make sure to read the whole thread as things are a bit different from last year.

Date: September 14, 15, 16
Where: Warsaw, Poland

We tried to arrange an all-inclusive package which would include hotel, breakfast, dinner and a t-shirt. Unfortunately, we were unable to get a nice group discount and with a lot of people possibly joining and leaving on different dates we decided to drop this idea.

Because we can not offer a full package this means you will have to book the hotel yourself. Fortunately, we have found two hotels (next to each other) in which we (Dark, Gem, Nova) will be staying.

Ibis Warszawa Reduta (~34 eu/night)
Ibis Budget Warszawa Reduta (~20 eu/night)
(Prices per February 1 on TripAdvisor)

Google Maps:

Both these hotels are walking distance from the train station, there is also a bus stop right in front. If you are lazy (like Dark) you can also get a taxi from/to the airport (Warsaw Chopin) to the hotel for about 10 euro.

To see who’s is staying where we will keep a public spreadsheet. If you have booked your hotel - whether it be one of the above or a different one - please let us know and we’ll add you to the list.

Room Sharing
If you are traveling alone and would like to share a room with someone (and split the costs) you can set this in the registration form. We will contact you when we have found a possible roomie.

Restaurant Reservation
For Saturday evening a reservation will be made at a nice restaurant. We’re still looking for one, so if you have any suggestions, we’re open to it. This section will be updated once we have more information.

Hopefully, you’re as excited as we are and want to sign-up for this year’s meetup. Please use the link below to open the registration form and submit it. Signup will stay open until August 1st

Registration Form:

- Mr_Dark (+1)
- Kevorkian
- Bezglutek (+1)
- Nova Lelie
- Major Helios
- Mrfussypants
- Wezax
- Merula
- Tyrion
- Chris
- Notechus
- Awyssa
- Andyfied
- Ganjii
- Malf

That’s it for now. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know below and we’ll try to answer them as quickly as possible.

PSDH Party Planners
Dark, Nova, Gem

News & Announcements / PSDH Meetup 2018 Pre-Hype
« on: December 28, 2017, 07:25:05 PM »
Hello PSDH!

Just before we celebrate the end of the year I’m here with a small hype about next years PSDH meet-up.

If you are a regular on the PSDH discord server you might have spotted me hinting about where we are going next year. For the next meet-up we’ll be going back into the city and this year's city will be… start drumroll…. Warsaw, Poland! Looking at the questionnaires people filled in after the last meetup, it seemed like the majority wanted to go to Poland for the next meetup. We looked at the options, crunched the numbers and the results showed us it is viable to do.

Now for the bad news.. Because we’ll be staying in the city it’s going to be harder for us to give you an all-in-one package like we had last meetup. Expect next the meet up to be a bit more expensive. However!, we are trying to come up with a nice package which will include stay in a hotel (+ breakfast) and Saturday dinner. More information on this later.

Unfortunately we can not yet give you a date. For now keep the weekends of September 2018 available.

That’s all for now. If you have any questions or ideas for things we should/need to do in Warsaw… let us know!

PSDH Party Planners
Dark, Nova, Gem

News & Announcements / Happy Christmas
« on: December 23, 2017, 07:51:26 PM »

Thanks for all your support and hard work this year - we've got through quite some challenges and we can look forward to 2018 with genuine optimism -  I think it's going to be quite a year!!!

I wish you and your families my very best wishes over the festive break. Please re-charge your batteries, we'll need everyone on full power in January!!

- Dark

P.S. Before years end I'll post some initial info about PSDH meetup 2018

News & Announcements / New Event Schedule
« on: October 04, 2017, 10:49:14 PM »

After a lot of sweat, heated discussions and there may have been some blood involved, we have come up with the new schedule.

For this schedule our main focus was to have the Path of Fire events in there because we think people really want to do those (for now). Of course our main bread and butter are still there; Tequatl & Triple Trouble.

Main changes:
Monday: This is raid reset day and we have noticed a drop in active players. On Monday we now do some lightweight PoF events; bounties and Augury Rock
Tuesday: Normally we left this day open due for patch days. For now we have moved Tequatl and TT-Wurm to this day on non-patch days
Wednesday: The main PoF events in Desolation and Vabbi
Thursday: Over the last few weeks the participation on social night became less and less. For this schedule we have decided to leave the Thursday organisation to you! Want to do something? Hero Points, achievements, etc... drop it into guild chat and set something up
Friday: Nothing due to WvW reset
Saturday: Nothing changed here. Tequatl, Tiadha and TT-Wurm
Sunday: We'll now do guild missions first and then go TO VABBII for Serpents' Ire

After a couple of weeks we will revisit the schedule to see if we have to change event days or perhaps change out events for something else.

As always we enjoy getting your input on these things, so if you have ideas on how we can improve things, don't hesitate to let us know.


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