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Author Topic: Dragon's End  (Read 33568 times)

Nova Lelie

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Dragon's End
« on: March 06, 2022, 08:05:42 PM »
Hi all,

Tomorrow will be our first attempt on Dragon's End as a guild. So here is some information on the boss fight.

First Mighty Teapot did a video succeeding the fight.

Also we did a short first guide on what to bring and what to expect:

Dragon’s End

Things to bring:
- United Legions Waystations
- Banners, Spirits of Nature, anything that can ress
- Three commanders (2 support, 1 main)
- Charge up your Offensive and Defensive buffs with Jade batteries

Escort 3 lanes

West -> Captain Fa
- Escort Fa and kill mobs
- Reclaim the outpost from the Void.
- Use remote charges to clear rubble/shields.
- Plant mutiple waystations
- Champion Saltspray (optional EMP for CC)

Mid -> Caithe
- Escort Caithe and kill mobs
- Champion Saltspray (optional EMP for CC)

East -> Navan
- Escort Navan and kill mobs
- Protect the Siege Turtle hatchery
- Reclaim the outpost from the Void.
- Use remote charges to clear rubble/shields.
- Plant mutiple waystations.
- Champion Saltspray (optional EMP for CC)

Three camps secure (escort done)
- Void will break out in 4 areas (east/west), split up and kill
- Stay near the reclaimed output
- After 4 areas are done a 5th area will break out
- Central area, use waypoint to get there fast
-After the 5th camp is done we have to charge crystals. Kill mobs to gain energy (they have a timer!) and fill the corresponding crystal. Options: Branded, Destroyer, Mordrem, Risen, Icebrood

Take zipline, glide on updrafts to get to the top of the Temple.
Optional: Wait for airship waypoint to become active

Soo-Won boss fight
Reminders before start:
- Set personal waypoint using Jade Bot on platform (can be used once)
- When we get green circles some of you will be thrown off the platform and will have to make your way back. Use jump (space) to collect memories, each memory resets space and you can directly jump again. Keep doing this till you are back on the platform and can reclaim your body with 3. (note: dead npcs might whisper you)
- At 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% the boss phases.
- At 80% we get 1 ring of green circles. Make sure there is at least 1 person per circle. Use memories to get back quickly. If you are not teleported kill mobs and use the crystals to hide behind when Soo-Won attacks.
- At 60% we kill mobs, use spear (special action key on Soo-Won and then split on to 2 platforms to kill a boss.
- At 40% we get a lot of green circles. Make sure there is at least 1 person per circle. Use memories to get back quickly. If you are not teleported kill mobs and use the crystals to hide behind when Soo-Won attacks.
- At 20% we kill mobs, use spear (special action key on Soo-Won and then split on to 3 platforms to kill a boss.
- After 20% Soo-Won gains extra power and kills a lot faster. Don’t be dps greedy and die, dodge everything. Also bring battle standards, spirit of nature etc. to help with ressing.
- If we get a Tail appear, quickly go to it and kill it. Stop dps at 10%, it will die from condi damage. The next one might be a breakbar and we want to break it quickly. If the Tail appears a few % before a phase (80/60/40/20), ignore it and dps to phase.

Boss attacks (all RNG):

The tail spawns smaller AoE that, if you get caught, capture you in a bubble that floats up. The bubble needs to be damaged to escape. Either by spamming 1 or by other players.

Water spout
Water spout will form on the platform doing damage. Avoid them.

Face Smash + wave
AoE with curly edges. Dodge AoE to avoid the Face Smash. Wait to run back in, first jump the wave that follows a few seconds later.

Tidal Wave
Big AoE over the platform, brings out a huge wave. Dodge or block.

Hungry half island smash
AoE takes over half the platform, get to the other side fast.

Half-circular AoE starting where Soo-Wong is. Get out or prepare to dodge.

Good luck tomorrow!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2022, 05:31:21 PM by Nova Lelie »
Kill the thingy!

Nova Lelie

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Re: Dragon's End
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2022, 11:18:17 PM »
Well done everyone on our first attempt. With 15 guildies and loads of pugs only 5% short of the kill. If only the RNG had thrown some nicer attacks at us. I'm sure we'll make it next time if we keep this up   ;D
Kill the thingy!

Nova Lelie

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Re: Dragon's End
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2022, 11:00:25 PM »
Killed with 4 minutes left. Third time is the charm  8)
Kill the thingy!


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