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Author Topic: TT Roles and trying out new ones!  (Read 32489 times)

Amanda Custos

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TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:37:02 PM »
Hello lovely PSDH Coffee Beans \o/

Guess yall know me anyways (coffee <3) and I wanted to bring up something quite important!

Its hopefully not gonna be a long *beep* text thats super boring so please bear with me!

So most of you have been doing TT with us either for a really long time or you just joined very shortly! And you are what made this succesfull, listening to commanders and putting effort in.

You probably all know that there are different roles on the Worms:

- Commanders
- Deboofs
- Condis
- Numerical Rez Banner Warriors
- Null field/Time Warp supporting Mesmers
- Wall of Reflection awesome Guards
and the list goes on and on! (Conjured Weapons, Water fields, Blast finishers, etc)

Yeah I know half of those arent official roles but important to the overall success!

So the thing is no matter what role you usually play in the big picture, always playing the same role may get "boring" or you just want to try something else or you still need some achievements! (yes some people are really dedicated and are missing achievements because theyve always been on their "typical role")

I know it might sound scary to have to responsibilty of for example being a deboof or eggsterminator! But we have really nice people here in PSDH that are willing to show or explain what to do as an Eggsterminator or Condi or any other roll! + we got some really detailed guides on here (I know reading is an effort and sometimes boring, but it helps a ton!)

"So uh yeah awesome but what do you want to say?"
I want people to try new roles! Get onto different Worms! Be brave and try it!
Bring out your Ele or Guard for Eggsterminating! Bring your Engis or Necros or Warriors for Condi Duty! Bring out Warriors in general because we love those Banners!

The reason I post this on here and dont say it on ts, I realize that it can be pretty stressfull on ts and theres not a lot of time for explanations about what a certain role does and usually its risky to change characters last minute (Map Cap).

But if theres something you always wanted to try, say it here, say it now, say it loud, say it with coffee in your heart!

Im sure some of our lovely Eggsterminators, Condis and generally Commanders will welcome you and the effort youre putting in!

Ok Ive been rambling for quite some time now, love you coffee beans \o/

(excuse my spelling and/or you know general confusion sometimes!

Grrrrrrrrrr Coffee - Blanket!
Amanda Custos - Guardian, A. Scitus - Elementalist, A. Sly - Thief, A. Bellator - Warrior, A. Night - Necromancer, A. Venatio - Ranger, A. Tsisdu - Ranger, Queen Lativa - Mesmer, Sneaky Impregnator - Engineer.


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 12:40:39 AM »
I'd like to add that this also applies for Tequatl.

Turret sites need Turreteers (to use the turrets), Mesmers (to feedback fingers) and Defenders (to defend turrets and turreteers from Risen).

I don't know about North Turrets, but South Turrets is usually forced to have random players use turrets and/or defend. We've regularly had about 50-60% of these roles filled by randoms because no PSDH members were willing to do them. Saying that, I'd like to thank all the members who repeatedly offer to use a turret, fight fingers or defend during our runs. But we need more of our members to actively volunteer to do these roles instead of just joining the zerg.

Helping to defend the turrets or feedback fingers doesn't require any special training it only requires volunteers. If you want to learn to use a turret however, we are always happy to teach you what skills to use, and when, etc.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to add, the continued success of Triple Trouble Wurm and Tequatl does rely on as many PSDH members knowing the roles of these events as possible.

Edit: TIL Amanda has an Engi called Sneaky Impregnator O.o
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 01:34:09 AM by Kaelik_Wau »
Warrior: Kaelik Wau - Ele: Elementalist Sakki - Thief: Elis Solvfelt - Mesmer: Sybeil - Guard: Levare Corda - Rev: Revenant Sekk - Necro: Leis Norah - Engi: Engineer Lexxa


  • The Cake Thief
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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2014, 10:03:54 PM »
Yep I'm good with this. Happy to learn to eggs terminate but it will have to wait for a couple of weeks (comments on cobalt tomorrow and then away for personal reasons for a week). After that as long as I know that either Dark, cupcake or I are available for cobalt in advance then I can think about bringing by guardian.

It may be helpful to post up the skills we need u locked in advance though seeing as the changes they made earlier this year mean things don't auto unlock when you hit level barriers. That way we can go and unlock the skills we need before porting into the map and realising we are useless and can't log our normal character back in.


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 10:05:52 PM »
Oh yeah also as far as tequila goes if you are struggling for turret people then just give me a yell as long as I'm not coming ranged dps.


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2014, 07:01:19 PM »
I was thinking that maybe we should remodel our rank system somehow. I remember that Wurm Diboof and Wurm Condi were introduced in part as a form of incentive, so that people were more willing to take on those roles. In my opinion it ceased to work that way. There is a lot of people that do those jobs but do not have the ranks, some that should have both Condi and Diboof badges (and sometimes have none – looking at you, Butch :) ), and some stuck with ranks who wished they could just run with DPS for a change. We do not recognize at all other duties people regularly volunteer for – the turreteers, the defenders, bannermen etc. I have no idea how to go about it, but maybe it would be possible to create a rank that would reflect how flexible you are and willing to take different challenges? That would of course disregard all those specialists we also need who stick to and are comfortable with one job and do it perfectly without fail...


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 06:58:21 PM »
I've tried to be selective with whom I give the Wurm Diboof rank to, so only those diboofers who I'm sure can read the wurm spit animation perfectly. However this is made somewhat difficult when we have several diboofers of varying levels of experience and since I'm always diboofing the same wurm (amber) I can't really observe every diboofer.

I agree that it might be better to have an overhaul of ranks, get rid of Wurm Diboof and Condi and move them to the Wurm Slayer rank, so like this;
  • Wurm Slayer - Members who are active, and attending events, and volunteering to use turrets and defend for Teq, or condi and diboof for Wurm.
  • Dragon Hunter - Members who are active, and attending events.
  • Frog Hunter - Members who are 'inactive' (to check if members are still active)
  • Active - New members who have attended an event and are on teamspeak
  • Prospect - New members.
Warrior: Kaelik Wau - Ele: Elementalist Sakki - Thief: Elis Solvfelt - Mesmer: Sybeil - Guard: Levare Corda - Rev: Revenant Sekk - Necro: Leis Norah - Engi: Engineer Lexxa


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2014, 07:13:32 AM »
It would be better moving stuff like diboof/condi to ts as icons in case.


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 09:52:34 AM »
I agree with both Kaelik and Leraider. If we add more icons on TS we might have to remove the class icons, since it might be too much clutter.
Necro: Darkard | Warrior: Darkward | Ele: Darkauor | Thief: Darksantard | Guard: Darkguard

Amanda Custos

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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 01:42:50 PM »
Well the class Icons are nice but not exactly neccessary anyways. (:
Grrrrrrrrrr Coffee - Blanket!
Amanda Custos - Guardian, A. Scitus - Elementalist, A. Sly - Thief, A. Bellator - Warrior, A. Night - Necromancer, A. Venatio - Ranger, A. Tsisdu - Ranger, Queen Lativa - Mesmer, Sneaky Impregnator - Engineer.


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Re: TT Roles and trying out new ones!
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2017, 07:14:21 AM »
It can meet the requirements very well.


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