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Topics - xxmykaxx

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Achievement hunting
« on: September 07, 2019, 11:51:28 AM »
Hey guys!

I wanted to do some achievement hunting over the next coming weeks.
It's mostly those achievements that are harder to do with just 1-2 people.

The ones i'm particularly interested in getting:
- Killing Vinetooth in Auric basin (yeah it's not "really" an achievement but connected to several like the Leggy Staff and Specialization shield of Revenant)
- Story achievements in "War eternal" - the last living story eps
- Honorary Crew Member ("The head of the Snake" living story eps)

Others i might be interested in:  - for my alt account
- If I May Interrupt ("A star to guide us" living episode)

!!! Of course i'll be helping others if they need some larger group ones too.
I know most of them can be done by a good organized group of 5-10 people. (Mostly bring your cc's and a bit of the smarts ^^ )

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